
In which I talk with Katie O’Reilly for the Michigan Quarterly Review:

In which I talk with the editors of Runestone:

In which I talk with the editors of Assay:

In which I talk with Jan Bindas-Tenney for The Sonora Review:

In which I talk to Adam Kullberg for Terrain (bonus pix of specimen displays!):

In which I talk with Linnie Greene for the Los Angeles Review of Books:

In which I talk with Michael Noll for Read to Write Stories:


In which Amy Wright reviews The World Is On Fire for Kenyon Review:

In which D.J. Lee reviews The World Is On Fire for the Los Angeles Review of Books:

In which Nina Boutsikaris reviews The World Is On Fire for Brevity:

In which Tobias Carroll reviews The World Is On Fire for the Minneapolis Star-Tribune

From Publishers Weekly: